USA coast to coast stage 40 Utica NY to Troy NY

 164KM, 770M climbed, 6 hours 15 minutes 

Total 5,245KM, 30,456M climbed, 212 hours 58 minutes 

Our 6th and final century ride.  There was a slight headwind for most of the ride but I stayed with some other riders for most of the day and so we were able to share time riding on the front and so l got some protection from the wind.

For virtually all the he ride we followed the course of the Mohawk River which is a tributary of the Hudson River Which we crossed as we entered Troy.  We also were on a bike trail for the last 20 miles which made a nice break from the traffic and also offered some shade which cooled down the temperature.

Just under 200 miles left to complete and today we hit another milestone as we passed 30KM of climbing.  Tomorrow we have our longest climb of the whole trip being a 9 mile climb in the Green Mountains of Vermont.


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