USA coast to coast stage 33 Marysville OH to Wooster OH

 164KM, 1,280M climbed, 6 hours 40 minutes 

Total 4,278KM, 24,536M climbed, 174 hours 4 minutes 

Another 100 mile plus day and the day started cold and for the first 3 hours did not get above 14 degrees with a fine mist rain and strong cross wind. 

 After the first rest stop the weather and ride improved dramatically.  I teamed up with two of the other riders Peter and Ron and after a spot of lunch in a small town we rode the last 40 miles at a leisurely pace through lovely rolling countryside that included some very steep descents and ascents.  If you rode down the hills quick enough you would just about have enough momentum to get to the top of the next hill with little effort.

We finished the ride in the quaint town of Wooster and it was good to ride into a town and not see the usual collection of fast food outlets.


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