USA Coast to Coast stage 20 Great Bend KS to McPherson KS
103KM, 197M climbed, 4 hours 17 minutes
Total 2,529KM, 14,644M climbed, 103 hours 21 minutes
A short day today of just over 60 miles saw us heading due East with a Southerly sidewind.
Not many pictures today as scenery very much the same as previous days.
In this area of Kansas there are a lot of small oil pumps and also a lot of gas pipes.
As we entered into the town of McPherson I noticed an increase in the number of churches being mainly Methodist or Baptist. I am told that this will increase as we head towards the mid west.
We have now had 8 days straight riding and I have cycled well over 500 miles in the last week and looking forward to a rest day in Emporia the day after tomorrow.
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