USA Coast to Coast stage 22 Emporia KS to Topeka KS

107KM, 794M climbed, 4 hours Total 2,769KM. 15,822M climbed, 112 hours 34 minutes After a rest day in Emporia which was gearing itself up for the Unbound gravel races which attracts professional gravel racers from around the world, today we had a short ride to Topeka the capital of Kansas. Due to roadworks our route involved a slight detour and with heavy skies it looked like we were in for rain but as usual it held off but the weather has certainly turned more humid and temperature is set to be in the 30’s for the next few days At some point during the ride we passed the halfway point of the trip. The landscape and roads are showing a lot of mprovement with rolling fields and tarmac that is so smooth with no potholes.